Friday, April 22, 2011

Which College is the Best

Which college has the best nursing program?  Engineering? English Literature?  Political Science?  Everyone keeps asking for help directing entering college freshmen to the best college for one planned major or another.  That is the wrong question.

The overwhelming majority of entering college freshmen don't know what they want to do when they grow up.  Most college students change majors several times while attending college. (And I'm not talking about mechanical engineering switching to electrical engineering! Often college students switch complete fields such as from engineering to political science.)  Therefore, it is not really wise to put too much emphasis on picking a college based on preliminary major choices.

The best way to pick a college for undergraduate work is to develop generalized criteria (location, size, religious affiliation, entrance difficulty, prestige, etc.) and then match colleges to the criteria.  Make sure the college has a wide range of majors including the types of majors the entering freshmen is considering.  After identifying colleges that match your criteria, take a road trip and visit each college.  The feel of the campus is extremely important as you will be spending four plus years there.  The college that best matches the criteria and has the environment desired is the best college to attend.

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